From 9 months
Time to chew-chew! Soft chunks are perfect for giving new teeth something to do. Even if your little one doesn’t have teeth yet, they can start chewing soft chunks with just their gums.

Building fine motor skills
From 9 months, babies are working on building fine motor skills (like a pincer grasp), and you may start to see little teeth coming through to help chew soft textures!
Top tips from our experts
At Earth’s Best®, we work reeeally closely with experts in pediatrics + nutrition so that our yummy foods are the best for tiny tummies!

Highchair buffet
Give your little one more control over what they eat + offer a variety of yummy finger foods (try slices of omelet, hard boiled egg slices or fingerling potato pieces)
Incy wincy pincer grip!
Little fingers + thumbs can start to pick up smaller pieces of food like chopped berries
Repeat it!
Prepare yummy veggies in different ways. Try roast, mash, stir-fry, steam or adding a sprinkle of herbs to excite tiny taste buds.
Offer 2-3 healthy and nutritious snacks per day. Keep offering fruit and veggies after finger foods are introduced.
Simple + Easy Recipes!
We've cooked up lots of quick + simple recipes for you + your little one to make at home! From very first tastes all the way to the big table, there's something tasty for the whole family to enjoy! Let’s eat!

Read our helpful parenting advice and watch our nutrition tips videos to help you make the best decisions for your little one’s health + wellbeing.
This is for informational purposes only and should not be treated as medical advice. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please always discuss any health and feeding concerns directly with your pediatrician. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read above.