Solids from 4 months
Is your little one ready for their very first taste adventure? Take a look at our useful tips + guides below on what to do from day one.

When your little one can sit up and hold their head steady and can pick up an object like a spoon and get it accurately into their mouth, they might be ready to start with solids!
Research shows that introducing single veggie tastes early on gets tiny taste buds used to savory flavors, helping your little one develop a taste for a wide variety of vegetables.
A meal planner will help you through the first week of getting started with solids. Week 1 is all about introducing a variety of tasty veggies. Offer food when little ones aren’t too tired or hungry! Follow your baby’s pace + don’t worry if they don’t like it.
Top tips from our experts
At Earth’s Best®, we work reeeally closely with experts in pediatrics + nutrition so that our yummy foods are the best for tiny tummies!

Iron-rich foods
Iron fortified foods will help secure your little ones iron status throughout infancy and toddlerhood. Offer foods rich in iron and zinc, such as beef, turkey, chicken, iron fortified cereals or beans.
Start with small amounts
Remember, up until now, breastmilk or formula is all your little one has ever tried! Start with half a spoonful or less, and talk your baby through the process.
Expect it to be messy!
We mean super messy. It’s very, very normal for the first several freedings to end up more on the chair, the floor, the bib, as your baby is learning to handle solid foods.
Offer new foods one at a time
Offer new foods one at a time and watch for any signs of allergic reaction. Continue introducing a new food every 3 days. Once you have offered a food without a reaction, mixing it into other previously tolerated foods is safe.
Explore our super smooth baby food purees and cereals! Perfect for introducing your little one to yummy new tastes as they begin their food journey.
Simple + Easy Recipes!
We've cooked up lots of quick + simple recipes for you + your little one to make at home! From very first tastes all the way to the big table, there's something tasty for the whole family to enjoy! Let’s eat!

Read our helpful parenting advice and watch our nutrition tips videos to help you make the best decisions for your little one’s health + wellbeing.
This is for informational purposes only and should not be treated as medical advice. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please always discuss any health and feeding concerns directly with your pediatrician. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read above.